Friday, December 3, 2010

How to Get Jobs in Montana

As my 8th month of unemployment rolls around in a few days I sit and watch the news hoping things get better, I sit with my laptop on the couch looking for jobs everyday all over the country, I have sent out over 350 resumes with not a single reply.  I have not posted a blog in a while because my time has been focused on job hunting, but after this new election that just took place it gives me more hope that maybe things will start to turn around.  I have been thinking of ways we can get more jobs into the state, I would like to make a list of ideas and send them to some senators and house representatives that I know, to hopefully spark life back into the people that we voted to keep this country running smooth.  I would like my you to comment with some of your best ideas that you think would help get Montana on the right track.

Here are a few ideas that I had to start off with:

1. Give incentives for farmers to grow other types of crop that are more profitable and in higher demand.  Such as hops, as a homebrewer I know there is an international shortage of hops and breweries pay a lot of money for them.  I know personally that they will grow in Montana because I grow them in my back yard and they are doing great.

2.  Industry Packages:  Give away city land along with 5 years of tax breaks to any company that brings in 500 jobs and stays here for 10 years.  It can be different for every city but make companies offers that they will not get anywhere else.  So they will have no choice but to move their company to Montana.

Please post your ideas and I will add them to the list then in a few weeks I will draft up a letter and send it to my friends in Helena.  Thanks


  1. Well just to be fair it would be the Republicans that wanted to not extend Unemployment benefits, that was the deal Obama made this week...if he would extend the Bush tax cuts for the rich the Republicans would help pass Unemployment benefits (something they were against and for good reason). This article is a good one explaining the Republicans view (which I agree with):

    As stated in the article by extending the unemployment benefits beyond the original 13 weeks it goes from being a helping hand to a handout. Unemployment benefits are meant to be a cushion not a "work replacement". Thats a big reason why people arent back to work...Democrats think they can just dole out money to people all the time to these programs that do not help all that much.
    Its just too bad Republicans made that deal with Obama in my opinion...I really don't give a crap about how much people that make over a half million get taxed...they can afford it more than the middle or lower class right?

  2. People aren't back to work because there are five applicants for every job. The economy depends on demand to create jobs. Demand is down, thus no amount of economic trickery is going to get corporations off the massive piles of cash they're sitting on (reported corporate profits set an all time record last quarter). No one is going to hire workers to create products or provide services that there is no demand for.

    The myth that unemployment insurance CAUSES unemployment because it makes people "too lazy to look for work" is just that: a right wing myth. It reveals an appalling lack of empathy, a disdain for people put out of work by the no regulation, laissez-faire debacle of Bush's trickle down madness, and a hideous "let them eat cake" attitude that is sinking this country.

    We've NEVER cut off unemployment benefits in this country when the official unemployment rate is this high. Let alone the unofficial rate which is actually much higher. What do you expect people to do? Simply crawl off and die? Desperate people are pushed into desperate actions to survive. You would be, too.

  3. Every job I apply for has at least 60 other applicants and I still keep my head up and keep looking for work. Then when I get comments from people that say more ideas to bring work to the state will not work. It pisses me off don't talk to me about crawling off and dieing when you make comments like that. All I want is ideas I don't need your little comments telling me that this won't work, the only way we will know for sure is if we give it a try.
