Monday, March 22, 2010

Mandatory Health Care

Last night I was watching the news when I found out about the new Health Care bill. First off I have been trying to find a copy of the bill to read for myself, which I have been unable to find. A few points that I have heard about the bill is that insurance will be mandatory for everyone to get which sounds pretty socialist to me. They keep comparing this to car insurance, car insurance is mandatory "if you own a car". Since this is the land of the free there is a way to not get car insurance, you can ride your bike, or the bus maybe. Yet health insurance you will have no choice, the only way to live without it is to move out of the country or die. I have a problem with this, I personally do have health insurance and I don't plan on getting rid of it but I think this is the exact opposite of what this country stands for. We are suppose to be the land of the free but we keep making stuff mandatory and that is just anti-American. I know this isn't the biggest problem we are facing in the country right now but this really stands out to me as becoming an issue in the future. Starting with the government owning shares in the car companies then making health insurance mandatory are just the base for the country to turn toward a socialist government. All of these little changes that we may think are nothing major will eventually add up to the United States moving from a federal constitutional republic to a Socialist government. 


  1. I finally found a copy of the health care bill. It is about 2,000 pages long and since I am dyslexic reading this may take me a while, so I will attach the link to the PDF so you can read and comment on your own.

  2. Mr. Bowser: If you are looking for the full text of the Health Care Reform bill, you can find it on the US Senate Finance Committee website here:

    I hope that the many resources available on this website will help you learn more about the benefits this bill provides to every American.

    I should point out that, under this bill, any American may choose not to purchase insurance. Because uninsured individuals are a liability to hospitals that are required to provide emergency care, individuals who chose not to buy insurance will be charged a fee to defray the costs they create for everyone else.

    After you read this bill, I think you'll see that it simply gives the basic coverage every military veteran and member of Congress receives to any American who wants it. That's not socialist. That's just fair.

  3. If you decide to not get insurance under this bill you will still get charged. So even if you don't want insurance you will still be paying for insurance for everyone else. The definition of Socialism is: An economic system in which the basic means of production are primarily owned and controlled collectively, usually by government under some system of central planning.
    This being said the government wants all Americans rich or poor to pay for health care for everyone else. The government is making us pay for health care so that doctors will take less of a loss if the poor people of America need to be treated. That is Socialism!

  4. 5.6 million more people will not be denied insurance because of pre-existing conditions how is that a bad thing? Hospitals just cant not treat people that get in car wrecks or accidents or have a heart attack if they don't have heath insurance...maybe if they could just turn them away not having health insurance wouldn't be such a big deal. 1/5th of the people that come to the ER are uninsured...but they are treated anyways, and treated for longer because uninsured people are the nations unhealthiest people so they make for the most expensive complicated surgeries and longest hospital stays. Something needed to be done (either a major overhall or we stop treating people without health insurance)...would you want your family member thown out on the street if they needed life saving surgery and didnt have insurance?

  5. I am not saying the whole bill is bad, there are just parts of it that need to be changed. I just got new health insurance because my existing insurance when from $125 a month to $600 a month, I thought that was BS so I went with a new company but was told they would not cover my blood pressure meds because it is a preexisting condition. I have insurance but am to afraid to go to the doctor because the insurance company always finds a way to screw me over so I have to pay the full amount. I think we need health care reform just not this one, Obama signed this bill through almost as soon as it reached his desk, don't tell me he read through it all and made sure it would work perfectly. He just wanted to get something passed so it looked like he accomplished something while in office, I think he is already looking toward reelection and not keeping the peoples interest in mind.
